

Derek Smith • Jun 08, 2024

Made By Arkansas, For Arkansas and beyond!

Hello everyone! We are so excited to welcome you to our new site! Arkansas Weather Watchers was founded in 2014 with the idea to bring weather coverage to every town both big and small without the worry of wondering where you can get your weather coverage from. When I started this, I had no idea where we would be just 10 years later. The technology has changed, how we provide coverage has changed, but what remains is the dedication to keeping everyone safe!

A little history about us. Everyone remembers the Mayflower 2014 tornado. This is how this started. I went around asking people how do you get your weather coverage? Most of them were by a phone or computer. This is where the idea of starting a page came about. This was at the turn of the era where we were introduced to streaming, laptops became much more popular and tablets. Not to mention everyone was starting to have a smartphone in their hand! So the thought was, what better way to serve our community then to provide something they can access us on everywhere. I then reached out to my best friend from El Dorado Cameron Barnes and he thought it was a great idea!

We have seen so many changes in how we do coverage. What started as just a Facebook page turned into having multiple ways to provide weather coverage through YouTube, Facebook and soon our brand new app and this website! We originally had no idea we would get this big. If we could save one life it was worth it. We have gotten countless messages from followers over the years saying that we saved their life one way or another. I don't know about you, but to me that is worth the time and dedication we have put into this!

As with any brand, it has its bumps and bruises and we had our fair share in building Arkansas Weather Watchers into what it is today. We now have become one of the top names in the state in weather coverage. Providing chase coverage, daily forecasts, weather blogs/videos, around the clock coverage during severe weather with eyes on the ground through our chase team Heartland Storm Chasing and with our amazing forecasters and our Meteorologist on Staff Jeff Baskin. As we continue to grow and develop, our main mission will always be to keep you safe from both on air and on the ground. Our statement has always been, Arkansas Based, Arkansas First and that remains our goal today.

Thank you Arkansas for your trust and loyalty. For our outside the state followers, the best is yet to come! We have a mission to continue to assist outside the borders of our state as well. That dream is slowly becoming a reality in the coming months but we couldn't do it without the ones who gave us our start in our wonderful state. The future is bright! I can't wait to see where this brand goes next. 2014 we started and 10 years later we are on the doorsteps of something so much better, changing the way weather is brought to you for the better! Sit back and enjoy the ride as I have because the best is yet to come

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